Remember these guys...?
Well, heres the thing...
At the end of Second Coming *look at previous posts for more on X-men: Second coming, for more pics, pages, and thoughts* Scott, who had the team created in the first place (X-force) had the team wiped out after they miraculously survived the future thanks to Cable. There were a few reasons to that. One being the fact that Scotty wanted a clean conccious. yea, thats spelt wrong, i'm just a kid remember? Another being the fact that seeing as they were a black opps unit, no one knew. And the not knowing part ticked all the other X-men off. Especially Nightcrawler, but he's dead now.
So, introducing the UNCANNY X-FORCE's first volume....
Basic storyline: Top secret new team formed by:
Warren Worthington III - a.k.a - Archangel
Logan ( James Howlet ) - a.k.a - Wolverine
Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock - a.k.a - Phsylocke
Wade Wilson - a.k.a - Deadpool
Jean-Phillipe - a.k.a - Phantomex
(My instant reaction: waaaahhh no X23 *she has her own series whichi is not as good as i had hoped* and WHERE'S Domino??? She saved wolvies ass back in the Second Coming chaos! I stand by, i am a Wolverine/Domino fan, the two need to hook up every now and then!)
Is hiding out in waiting for an evil so large it requires their attention. Warren has built "Cavern X" which is a massive place hidden out Arizona, and they're using that as base. Warren has also had Wade checking out leads to Apocalypse being reincarnated.
This is how that turns out.
The story starts by collecting a peice out of "Wolverine: the road to hell".
Just Wolvie and Phantomex plying back in E.V.A, talking... Wolverine tells Jean-Phillipe 'that's what X-force is for. Good people who got that same ugly in them. Can't get the ugly out. we point it at the kind of places it'll do the world some good."
Wise words... *sigh*
Warren welcomes them to Cavern-X and Jean-Phillipe tries to put it on Betsy, repeating what he told wolverine, "I'm afraid its hardwired in, i'm the devil may care, international, superspy with a worldly distingu'e that the ladies...' he kinda drops when Angel puts an arm around her "" "just not the good ones." Poooorrrr Jean-Phillipe. Why did it have to be a double name, alot to type!
I like wolverines quote of "speaking of meatless--wheres the degenerate?'
Here he is! Away in Egypt searching "ghosts" as Warren put it...good thing thats not true! deadpool fights a few wacked out temple people before going in...
Then it goes into the "Uncanny X-force chapter 01" part. starting with...
We love you deadpool.
Wade continues to talke crap to himself until he finds what he's after...
Then gets choped open by a big monstery thing you will see later.
At CavernX Betsy has a bad dream, she and Warren talk, Then they get Wades Call.
At the tower of London Phantomex looses a bet with Wolvie and owes him a $2million bottle of Henri Gugognon Heritage. Wolvie goes on to say " oh, iain't gonna drink it. I'm a molson man. I;m gonna use it to shine my claws...maybe disinfect the comode back home." Phantomex replies " truly are the best at what you do."
A few speach bubbles later * read it yourself, im just trying to convinve you to buy it!* They're all -minus deadpool- in E.V.A flying off.
Betsy complains over Jean-PHillips "lewd" comment of "perhaps Betsy and i could probe eachother. I'm in for a game of 'Behing the curtian" whenever you are, dear."
They arrive and Wolverine fights the "statue" which chopped deadpool open.
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