Printed in 2008, begining in 2007. Good stuff.
What has it got?
For one, its got X-force
New X-men
And, of course... X-men
Gotta love the stuff that starts with an "X", huh?
Its a got some great villians too...
Sinister and his Marauders...
Including Mistique
Its even got a "monster"
In case you do not know, this is predator X.
Basics to know: This is the begining of the "mutant Messiah", "generation Hope", etc.
In this volume, Collecting Xmen, uncanny Xmen, new Xmen, and Xfactor, The first mutant Baby since M-day *when the scarlet whitch changed time ans stuff, making it as though her freinds had never died, changed everything back over half the mutant population lost their X-gene, the gene that makes them a mutant* is born.
And a whole lotta shit goes down! Advertised as a "modern X-men crossover classic, the way you like it!", they were right...if you do not like this comic, go get yourself checked. This, is also on my Perfect comic list!
So, story line...
Our epic tale begins with the black bird going full speed, inside are the Xmen:
please let me do this and get away with it once...
Role call!
Emma Frost
aaaand Angel
Heading out to a town, and when they get there, its ok to think of the nursery rhyme :londom bridge is burning down" as the whole town, is going up in nicely done flames. (Note, i am not stating that it is a nice sight to see an entire town burning up, i am just comenting on the artwork.)
The reason: hours earlier Prof. Charles Xavier was checking cerbra, finding only a few hundred mutants spread out over the globe *remember, Utopia did not exist back then* Untiiiilllll.... the power cuts out and the Prof doesn't sem all to mad
"that... may just have been the rebirth of hope". A new mutant born!
Basically, the Xmen check out Cooperstown, the whole place has been a Massacre! All the children..are dead... Emma prods into the mind of a woman who is holding a smouldering childs body, and see's the Purifiers!
Burning down the town, and taking out all children! Then, as a bonus, in come the Marauders! They check a hospital... two dead newborns... but there should have been THREE.
Just as they fly home *after helping the survivers* Predator X shows up, looking pretty dam hungry at that!
The sight is shown on the news, but The two corpses of a pair of maruaders left behind are gone! Charles argues with cyclops about leadership, and a ground team of Wolverine, Angel, Nightcrawler, and Collossus, run in with Gargouille, Neophyte, projector, and some otyher guy who looks like a grey haired wizzard crossed with magneto, meanwhile Emma and Scott call in Jamie Madrox and Rictor in *Layla Miller tagging along*
Rictorm being human now, is sent to infultrate the purifiers, while Layla and Jamie are sent to visit forge.
Wolverines ground team kicks ass.
Once again predator X is show on the last page...
Rictor sucessfully gets in with the purifiers, by shooting Wolfsbane with fake bullets, pretending not to know her, and claiming himself to be "Joaquin Murrieta" ... creative name, though i have no clue how it is pronounced...."jo-ak-quin"...
Jamie gets to forge, learning along the way that not all his inventions are weapons.
Wolverines team, feturing Storm now, go to visit Amelia Vought, who mists herself out but is caought up by storm as she tries to escape through the air vent, and agree's to tell them what they want..after claiming to be protecting them, not the marauders, he former allies. Saying the Xmen would go to hell, and its frozen over.
Back at Forge's.. Jamie makes a few dupes, and they get shipped off to the future *separate ones*..but layla grabs onto the last one to leave.
"Layla, what are you doing?!?"
And the prime madrox passes out.
Cyk runs in with the new Xmen, who aren't impressed.
I like it how he zaps Rockslide into a wall.
Surge as a phsyk at the Professer, finds out that the purifiers are involved and thinks they have the baby, she sends in her team, minus David, Sooraya, and Elexir, to get payback for all their freinds they had killed.
Meanwhile the Xmen go to see the marauders.
The future doesn't look to good for Layla and Jamie.
And the New mutants take out a few purifiers, while Anole *why call him that???!!!???* looks for the baby and runs into Rictor. Yea, in case you haven't guessed,,, they DON'T have the baby,,,
The new Xmen are doing fiiine... then Lady Deathstrike apears...
Aaaaand Hellion is stabed DIRECTLY through the chest with all her freakishly loooong nails.
Sounds Dull for them doesn't it?
Anyway, the Marauders are getting toasted by the Xmen elsewhere...
Emma is at Base, but mentally linked to the assult team.
Things get grimmer for the new xmen, so pixie bails them out, they takr a messy landing and her scream pulls Emma out of her link to the assult, so she cannot get back in as Sinister descides to block her out. Can you blame him?
Meanwhile Wolvie stabs Gambit *ineed to read more of him from when he was a mass-murderer* wanting to know where rogue is. Thats right, the Marauders have an unconsious Rogue passed out on them.
Wolvie gets blown up, then saved by Kurt, who gets shot by Scalphunter with a 9mmfluted Hollowpoint. I feel so smart telling you this... So he gets pretty badly injured.
Then, KAWHAMMY. The mansion is attacked by Sentinels.
And at dawn, somwhere far away after a long night...
CABLE. with the baby!
Now, taking the blackbird back home, "elf" *i love it how they call nightcrawler that!* is badly injured and geting cradled by storm, while Wolvie does his man-driving home. Collossus and Angel don't look to good either.
Back at Xaviers...
Also: yes, bishop was at the mansion. And all telepaths are going down, the cuckoo's, Emma..
I love it how
jumps out to attack the sentinels shouting "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT WAS JUST A MATTER OF TIME 'TILL YOU @#$HOLES TURNED! BUT DOES ANYONE EVER LISTEN TO THE INDIAN? NO!" that made me smile. Don't worry Warpath, we love you.
Nehzno knocks a sentilel down. YIIIEEEAAAAA! as he put it.
Hepzibah looks funny shooting it with a big old rifel, and the sentinel carries on.
Sinsiter is talking with mistuque...
He is pleased... let him be the one to say why... "They came because they thought we had the child. that means he's on his own...and damaged".
Thats right! Sinsister doesn't hav the baby.
Run cable run!
Back at the mansion:
Warpath seems pretty protective of Hepzibah, and Iceman crashes the blackbird into the Sentinel! NIIIICE one. Laura *X23* jumps out of it and attacks while Mercury helps an unconsious Hellion with a first aid kit.
Black bird down, and so is Charles... "Damn it...they're taking out all the telepaths...why?" beast ponders.
Dust checks out the sentinel, its not human, some sort of metal alien thing it looks like. It comes out, Laura stabs at it, Gets K.Oed and it leaves. Alot of destruction at that!
And here comes the line i love.. go cyk go!
Scott and cyk argue again...
aaaand run cable run!
Until he runs into lady deathstrike and her gang of bassasses.
The future is not too good for Layla and Jamie, as they run into humans again, and get in a quick fight, taking out a few armed humans.
The X-force sneaks around, until warpath just knocks the guard out and takes his "squak box" or walkie talkie.
He later talls wolfsbane he wished there was a way to save the baby and save cable. his old buddy.
jamie and Layla get carted off to a mutant camp. Yea, in the future all mutants are kept in camps. Its like World war three, only not all humans have stupid moustaches!
Wolverines team gatcrashes the cable v deathsrtike party and X23 goes for the lady in gold!
The hospital wing looks pretty full... and surge feels bad. To be fair, it is her fault *some of it at least*
Caliban is killed by one of deathstrikes shooters.
X23 kills Deathstrike.
CAble steals the blackbird without even a hello.
In the future, all mutants are given the "M" mark over their eye, like bishop, and its pretty brutal!
Cable steals a truck to go see forge, who is already shot, then cable himself is shot by...
He hesitates, and the the Marauders jump in.
In the future, Layla meets Lucas Bishop, a young boy born in the camp.
Bishop plays it cool with the xmen, pretending to be working to save the baby.
David gets Cerebra workin again, the cuckoo's test it out. And find Cable. Who is awake now and gets in contact with Xavier.
Lucas explains why he wished the messiah *baby* was never born, and layla staps a grenade to Madrox, seeing as all dupes kill themselves after getting the info they need so it can go to the prime madrox.
Jamie wakes up, but with a M on his face
Cable gets help from xavier
And baby meets sinister!
Who is actuaaly dead, and is just mistique in sinister form.
New X-men run in with Predator X who has come to eat the corpses out of the graveyard, And X-force fight the marauders.
Again, for wolverine.
The death of sinister is shown, a hellbent on saving her daughter mistique shoves his face against Rogues, killing him instantly.
In the meantime, X-men v Marauders takes place!
Headshot for wolverine...
wolfsbane knckoed out by twister...
X23 saves wolvie by cutting a guys hangs off, then slicing his guts open. NIIICE.
In the meantime, new xmen v predator x! aaaahhhh!
Cable and charles trun up to help out the xmen v marauders side, saving wolfsbane, and Gambit saves the baby from mistique, who wants to use it to save rogue, acourding to destinys diaries it should do it. They touch, it doesn't work. The baby is alive, thankfully. Prof. X comes to get it off them.
To save those who are injured, Pixie remembers X23 had killed one of the oredator befoe, teleporting them to her... of corse that brings the new xmen, beast and predator X to the maruaders base. in a big fwaash pf pink.
Predator X takes out Vertigo instantly. Chomp.
Big fight. I don't need to say much more, if i do, you reaaaalyy won't but this!
Rogue wakes up, and goes to kill mistique.
Few marauders are killed by Xmen... or at least critically injured... Wolverine kills Predator X And Scott gives Cab;e the baby to take to the future.
Bishops is pissed, he wakes up just as they teleport off and shoots blindly... annndd...
The shot kills Prof. instead.
In the future, Cable and the baby arrive. End.
This comic is another fav. of mine.
Its well written, nice and complex but not too complex. Geat artwork. Nice and long, but its pretty expensive.
Overall this is prbably a 9/10.
Good stuff. Now go buy XMEN: MESSIAH COMPLEX.
You'll love it.
Beleive me. If i can make my mother read this volume and enjoy it, you will. She hates comics.
Now this, is another
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