Firstly; I have some info for all comic lovers.
The American site for this is the best for buying comics, no matter where in the world you are. The other day I spent $90 New Zealand dollars cash buying 2 comics...which would have been, like, half the price online even after NZD is converted to USD. So, if you want comics, new or old, GO THERE. Also, I have heard that if you have an Ipad, its even cheaper to buy onlin and read on that. But seriously, the volumes on there are sooooo cheap its lovable. I can get 20 comics, with NZD converted, for the price of what would be about 6 in New Zealand. Yea, no kidding. Even the shipping is cheap.
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NEW 52!
This here is one of the posters for it.
My opinion; well, though I was stand off-ish at first a realize that - like i always say - its just part of the beauty that is comics.
When things get to a certian stage: e.g. not working out, not selling, hard to write, character age, good storyline gone and others used... what do you do? YOU START OVER.
Thats what DC has done here, they got to a certain stage, then started over. Now Catwoman and Batman don't know one another beyond the mask, again, and there is a chance for whole new stories.
Instant opinion; Teen Titans suck, but I love Raven and now she's gone. Also, young justice...pfffft... save kid flash and Tim Drake (Red Robin is rather lame as well, he could have done Robin for a while longer in my opinion)... they're kind of douchebags.
See what i'm saying?
What does look good?
Instantly in the charts...for, like the first time I have EVER seen it since my love of comics began... the WHOLE top10 comics, online, were by DC, with the new Dark JLA in the lead.
Well done DC, too bad for you though, you lost me to marvel about six months before that. And you need to bring back Raven and her freak of a boyfreind beast boy.
See here:
I am not keen, I have to say. Year by year Cassie Sandsmark (A.K.A Wondergirl) becomes more and more of a bitch. Tim looks do I put this... gayer? Less macho at least, not that theres anything wrong if he is gay but we all know he isn't. Soeaking of "macho"...Superboy is overdone. He does give a shit lats time I checked.
Then again, I refuse to read it, I just get what I do off the internet.
Then there's one of my better looking options...
Deathstroke, I like the style.
But, like usual with DC there is also some...stupid stuff
As for Wonder Woman...
Never liked her. But the New outfit looks more like Donna Troy, who I don't like or dislike.
Batman and his dicky little son Damien...
U Crampin da Bats style, yo!
Outsider. No, "The". Just "Outsider".
If I was German I would be shouting "nitch gut! NITCH GUT!" but instead, I will say... why don't you step into my shower...
Sorry if you find that unnecesary but I heard that line on epic rap battles (don't ask, someone in a class I take fiddling on teachers computer) and I found it amusing.
Birds of prey...supposed to be pretty good I hear... Naturally I have read a few (2) volumes from back in 2004,5, or 6, 7 ( I cannot remember, Library stuff) and they were ok. But now is suposedly better... one problem...
Seriously! She is one person who suits BAD, even though she fails. All the time. But hey, she should/could be a bit more phsycho, like Thorn used to be. Crazy evil would suit her better than good.
Batman, like always I am keen for all good Batman stories. Not the G rated or old stuff but the nice ones, with catwoman, fighting, twists to the plot, violence, maybe a death even... y'know. Allgood.
Speaking of whom...
Catwoman, depressed and embarresed as I am to say it, I am keen on looking at a bit of Catwoman. (If you are too, I posted some stuff from her chapters 1-6 a while ago, look below).
What else is there?
No idea. Looks ok though, I always liked lady Blackhawke back in the old Birds of Prey.
Uch... I do not, as in NOT like the supers.
Look ok. The old Ollie Queen Green arrow twacked me off.
But this guy,...
WHY DO YOU STILL CREATE HIM? WHO WOULD WANT TO/ENJOY WRITING ABOUT THIS GUY? Is he not called the "gay" yet suprisingly not hero? I am bored when ever I see this guy. EW.
Animal man, last i saw in the New 52 in LOD he had his ass kicked by Heatwave.
Speaking of who...
Leigon of Doom. Pretty good, I rekon.
Wild Cats, Once again NO IDEA
Looks good.
looks WEIRD ( ad thats coming from ME)
Not interested, sorry.
"furry of firestorm". NO
The Dark
Voodoo, one mor eto add to the NO IDEA pile.
I do not care.
Looks ok.
Red Hood and the Outlaws.
Looks good. Enough. It is supposed to be bad.
Anyway, there are alot more than this. These are just a few, to give us the idea. For more info, check out the DC website or just google it.
So, peace, love, comics.
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