yeayeayea, i've already done a bit of deathstroke...This is for me as well so deal with it.
Cuz i found a bit, lets chuck in some birds of prey as well.
Tell me I'm wrong, but I am LOVEING this cover page. The epicness...
Y'know...Harley kinda reminds me of Deadpool in a way...

Harley Quinn and deadshot...they deserve the majority of the attention...obviously.

Yea, yea, yea. some of these are not the best. Good night. Enjoy
i do know a nice guy who's from the NZ that loves comics as much as you but he moved to Australia recently. always good to run into another Suicide Squad fan out there. same goes for Harley Quinn fans who aren't having a melt down over her costume. speaking of which have you seen this yet?