Anyway, I figured I best catch up on a good bit of comic stuff. Seen Ironman, own Captian America, Hoping for a Hawkeeye movie to be truthful. Seen Hulk 2, but I was alot younger, 11, and only just starting to gain my comic obsession.
I had Hulk taped, so I finally watched it today. YAY ME!
When thus came out, I think I would have been 5 at the oldest...let me check... 2003 this came out. Yep, I was about 5/about to be 6. I wanted to see it, I begged my big cuzzie but all I got was "You're too young, Caitlin...Itl be scary.' my reply was 'NO!' But then again, When it first came out in Disney cartoon I cried in Peter Pan - Haters don't judge, I was 3 - so he had a point.
Anyway, this was kinda slow, but a good movie.
(Note, Avengers is going to be epic. Please, If you know any post up or email me a few Furycodes and I will send you one in return. I have only found one, which is a bugger. I cannot wait for Avengers and will probably not shut up about it until I have seen it 12t imes. Im exagerating, don't look like that.)
Wow, I get off topic easily!
Hulk is a character from the Marvel Universe. He is green, (Might I add on the St. Patricks day top 10 Green Characters he came in at #1) and often shown in purple pants.
Haha, DON'T worry, I just put that in to sound unprofesional. (lol, I do realize I spelt that wrong, thats the failed suposed-to-be-amusing part)
Basically, Hulk is Bruce Banner, a scientist, who reacted to a test diferently to all the animals which it killed, because of his fathers genetic experiments. Whenever his heartbeat increases due to anger he turns into a "Massive green Rage monster" He calls the Hulk. Thats what the movie says at least. One things for sure, He was exposed to a Gamma bomb which he helped create. That is a fact. And by fact I mean as in fact of a fictional universe which is one of a few I obsess over.
I used to be unimpressed by that. All of it. Never was a Hulk fan.
But lately I keep on going from a nay to a yay.
Why, you ask?
How could you not adore that massive stinking green face, you ask?
Well, I'll tell you why!
The angrier he gets, the stronger he gets. I always thought, hay, yeayeayea, strong but come on...
I now know, that even THOR cannot beat him.
Want proof? Thor himself admits it in Fear Itself. Look it up for YOURself, you lazyarse.
Bullets don't harm him. THAT is the bit that really got me. I know it seems lame, the whole "OH, bullets wont hurt you, now Im a fan!' thingy but oh well, its true.
The latest Hulk movie?
Mark Ruffelo plays Bruce Banner.
I gotta say, I like the look of this guy!
He and Hawke eye (who, no offence, but i hoped to be a little more sexy...) have their own poster
Lookin good ((enough), to be mean).
Hulk, like many Marvel characters, was created by Stan Lee (I love it how he pops up in all the Marvel movies!) and also with a guy named Jack Kirby. He first apeared in "The incredible Hulk #1", May 1962. Which I found kinda cool, y'know how he went straight out into his own series, no popping up elsewhere.
Hulk is an emotional alter ego. Like how we all know; Bruce Wayne=Batman Clark Kent=Superman Bruce Banner=Hulk. Simple Math (Bitches) (Had to add that). From what I have read on wiki (yes, wiki) he was inspired by Frankinstein and Dr Jekyl and mr Hide (Interesting stoty that one.)
Dr Bruce Banner has Genius level intel. ... what a shame he has to hide from the U.S Army all the time, as the main story lines tend to go around.
One things for certian, Hulk has bee in alot of T.v series as well as comics.
He really is one of Stan Freaking Lee's greatest feats. And thats saying something...y'know...Stan Freaking Lee.
To make this fair, and more likable for you (FOLLOW ME I FOLLOW YOU!) I will put up some good stuff, from the world famous
For a bit of info, the first ever Hulk comic.
So, there you have it, Hulk.
Now...Hulk SMASH!
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