Harley Quinn, all over Deadshot.
An old one, but I don't know whether or not I have posted it.
So I hear the squad isn't doing so well in the new 52? What a shame. All the same, I have had literally around 1000 veiws all around my Suicide Squad postings. It obviously does have some fans...
Besides, I'm getting the Suicide squad: kicked in the teeth (volume 1, new 52) and Detective comics: faces of Death (new 52, volume 1) shipped from America at the moment. So they better be good.
Speaking of Detective comics...

Here's another comic on my list...Justice league...

So, incase you have no idea what you are doing orknow little about comics:
1. Comics are awesome.
2, these are in no order, so don't complain.
3. These are in no order, so be warned:
Thanks for veiwing. Please come back again.